Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Resource 2: Quizizz - Introduction to Fraction

I like to use Quizizz as an interactive platform for quizzing my students at the start of the lesson. I often provide short quizzes mainly to assess my students' prior knowledge so I can identify those who are in needs in terms of their learning. I believe that students' prior knowledge is a fundamental aspect in teaching and learning because it allows students to see the connection between their existing knowledge and the new knowledge for them to construct new meanings. 

This is a sample of a short quiz that I have created to test the students' basic knowledge on fractions. Students will have to enter the given link, type in their names and proceed with the quiz. This activity usually takes about 5 - 10 minutes of the synchronous lesson via MS Teams Meeting. I would then scaffold students' knowledge based on their existing knowledge on a certain topic as part of the main lesson. 

Resource link: 

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